Distribution : Penyaluran Barang dari Pabrik ke Pasar

1. Distribution : Penyaluran Barang dari Pabrik ke Pasar
Sale : Penjualan/ Pertukaran barang dan jasa dengan Uang
Production : Ciptaan dari jasa atau mengubah bahan menjadi barang
Goods : Barang yang dibutuhkan atau diinginkan oleh salah satu manusia
Modern Business :
Services : aktifitas orang untuk melakukan pelayanan terbaik
Traditional Businesss :
Profit : surplus ekonomi setelah mendapatkan uang bayaran

2. Accountant : akuntan, orang yang memulai, menjalankan perhitungan barang dan, mengembangkan perusahaan
Bookeeper : Orang yang melakukan pembukuan
Personal Manager : Manajer pribadi
General Manager : Manajer umum
System analyst : Analis Sistem
Computer Operator : Orang yang mengurus, mempergunakan computer untuk mengatur perusahaan
Computer programmer: Orang yang membuat program pada computer pada perusahaan
Stock braker : Saham perdagangan

3. Marketing : Pergerakan jasa dan barang dari pabrik kepada penjual
Product : Barang yang akan disediakan oleh perusahaan untuk dijual
Above the market : kenaikan pasar rata-rata
Placement : Keterlibatan barang jadi kepada penjual
Marketing mix : Gabungan dari faktor empat ini
The Four p’s : Barang, harga, Pembuat harga, promosi
Price : jumlah uang untuk membayar barang
Price leaders : Produsen yang menstabilkan harga rata-rata
Promotion : hubungan tentang barang yang diambil ditempatnya diantara pembeli dan penjual
Target market : Menentukan barang, harga, tempat, dan promosi.

~ Minggu, 08 November 2009 0 komentar

What is the different between traditional business & modern business ?

1. What is the different between traditional business & modern business ?
Traditional business was exchange or trade for things people wanted or needed.
Modern business is the the production, distribution, & sale of goods & services for a profit.

2. What is production ?
Production is the creation of services or the changing of materials into products. For example is the conversation of iron one into metal car parts.

3. What is distribution ?
Distribution is movement of products from the factory to the market place. For example a car is moved from a factory in Detroit to a car dealership in Miami .

4. What is sale ?
Sale is the exchange of a products or services for a money. For example a car is sold to someone in exchange for money .

5. What is goods?
Goods are products that ppoeple either need or want . For example car can be classifieds as goods.

6. What are services ?
Services are activities that a person or group perform for another person or organization ? For instance an auto mechanic performs a services when repairs a car . a doctor performs a services by taking care of people when they are sick.

7. What is profit ?
profit is economic surplus is the money that remains after all the expenses are paid.

8. What is the Major Goal of Doing a business ?
The Major goal of doing a business is creating an economic surplus or profit.

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Pronoun : i-we ; you-you ; he,she,it-they
Regular : book-books ; party-parties ; self-selves
Irregular : child- children ; mouse- mice
Uncountable : water-water ; news-news

Put the sentences into Plural
Example : a child is a boy or girl
Children are boys or girls

1 . A dog is an animal
2. A potato is vegetable
3. he is a student
4. I am doing my homework
5. he was studying when I came
6. she herself writes the letter
7. A business consist of an operation
8. she performs a service by answering a question
9. what is the difference between you & me ?
10. his friend is also my friend
11. the student has almost finished doing it
12. has she ever been studying abroad?
13. The earthquake cause a great disaster
14. does he understand the lesson ?
15. there is a boy & girl in the class.

Answer :
1. dogs are animal
2. potatoes are vegetables
3. we are students
4. we are doing our homework
5. they are studying
6. the them herself writer the letter
7. business consist of operation
8. they perform services by answering Question
9. what are difference between you & us ?
10. they friend a also our friend
11. the students have almost finished doing them
12. have they ever been studying abroad
13. the earthquake cause great disaster
14. do they understand the lesson?
15. they are boys & girls in the class.

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